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Project 1 - Molecular dynamics simulation of Argon atoms


In your daily life you encounter different phases of matter all the time: Water can be in the form of ice covering lakes and canals, it is fluid when it comes out of the tap, and it turns to vapor when you boil it.

In this assignment you will write a simulation code to explore different phases of matter quantitatively for a simpler system: Argon atoms (water is surprisingly complicated and still an on-going field of research). Through these simulations you will be able to experience the physics of different phases and investigate their behavior in a systematic and quantitative way.


What we expect you to do

You will work on this assignment in a group. We recommend to work in pairs, but groups of three are also permissible.

Write a well-structured computer code performing a molecular dynamics simulation of Argon atoms. This code should be flexible and allow for different ambient conditions (such as density or temperature) to explore different phases of Argon. The recommended programming language for the assignment is Python, but you may use any computer language you like.

Validate the correctness of your code, and run simulations for Argon in different phases. Investigate these phases quantitatively, for example using pair correlation functions, calculating pressure or specific heat, or exploring diffusion properties. Note that while there is a standard set of things you can do, the assignment is completely open to your creativity. We definitely encourage you to also explore things according to your own ideas an surprise us!

You will then summarize, your findings in a report that is written according to scientific standards.

Milestones along the path

Writing a molecular dynamics simulation code is of course a formidable task - we will guide in the lectures towards this goal, by covering the elements you should focus on first. Along this way you will most certainly go astray and possibly make wrong choices - this is an integral part of the learning experience. However, we will be there to help you get back on track!

In particular, we have defined milestones for every week. Each week, you will write a short text about the progress in your project, motivating and validitating your choices. You should use the milestones of every week as the reference.

If you fail to meet all milestones in one week, this is fine. Try to make up for it in the next week. If you fall behind two weeks or more, you are in danger of not finishing in time!


  • Materials covered in the lectures. These are also summarized in the lecture notes.
  • Chapter 7 and chapter 8 from the book "Computational Physics" by Jos Thijssen.
  • The original paper by Verlet on the molecular dynamics simulation of Argon.
  • We have collected a list of errata for Jos' book and Verlet's paper.
  • Feel free to search for any help/code snippets/ideas you can find on the internet - but make sure to properly acknowledge this. We definitely encourage you to use Numpy/Scipy/...!


  • Simulation code in a gitlab repository
  • Report
  • Filled out weekly progress issues. These will be opened automatically in your gitlab repository, and need to be filled in before the next class.

Assessment criteria

See the details of the grading scheme here

Supervision and help

  • The lecturers and the TAs are present during the lectures and are willing to help with all your problems, such as debugging, advising what is the best way to solve a specific programming problem, ... Note that often we don't give the final answer, but we will always aim at bringing you to the right path
  • Out of class you are encouraged to ask any question on the course forum (preferred) or write an email to the lecturers.