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Computational Physics
Performance II - Optimization with Numpy
Initializing search
Computational Physics
Molecular dynamics simulation of Argon
Molecular dynamics simulation of Argon
Project description
Grading criteria
Lecture notes
Lecture notes
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo simulation
Project description
Lecture notes
Lecture notes
Basics of the Monte Carlo method
Intro: Monte Carlo simulation of the Ising model
Intro: Variational quantum Monte Carlo
Intro: Monte Carlo simulation of polymers
Final, free project
Final, free project
Project description
Grading criteria
Computing crash course
Computing crash course
Basic python
The Scipy stack
Version control with git
Project and programming skills
Project and programming skills
Planning a group project
Asking efficient questions
Performance I - Profiling
Performance II - Optimization with Numpy
Performance II - Optimization with Numpy
Table of contents
Lecture video
Exercise material
How to structure code
Table of contents
Lecture video
Exercise material
Performance II - optimizing with Numpy
Lecture video
Exercise material
Notebook used in the video